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King’s College London Case Study: My Self Help Tool Offers Innovative Support for Young People at Risk of Self-Harm

A ‘smart’ breakthrough in the treatment of young people who self harm could be on the horizon! The My Self Help tool, developed by Camden-based tech firm Maldaba in close liaison with King’s College London, University of Bristol, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and NSPCC, is a web-based application that supports decision-making for young people who self harm. Read More

My Living Will is live!

For the past couple of years Maldaba has been working with a start-up charity called My Living Will.  This is an innovative project that aims to inform, educate, and empower all of us off the back of the Government's 2005 Mental Capacity Act. Read More

Vaccine Confidence Project Website Now Live

When Dr Heidi Larson was recommended to speak to Maldaba about an innovative research project in rural Africa using digital technology, I had little clue that we'd also end-up re-branding and re-launching the website for the Vaccine Confidence Project research team (VCP) at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).  Where to begin?  At the beginning... Read More