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CDS Service Desk Goes Live

Maldaba are proud to announce another bespoke software launch.  Following a very productive half-day workshop with the senior management team, around their business goal, CDS Co-operatives commissioned Maldaba to design, develop and launch their Service Desk, a customer service portal to support CDS as the focus on delivering outstanding customer service. Read More

Thinking about key names in PHP

I recently had to write some code which built quite a large structured array in PHP. I know that PHP performs some amount of internal variable optimisation - for example copying a variable by value won't create a new instance of that variable's contents in memory until the variable is modified, which keeps the memory footprint down for a lot of common situations. Read More

You rolled your own framework? Really?

One of the questions I get from pretty much every new developer that we hire is "Why did you write your own framework?  Why don't you just use X?", where X is the whatever PHP framework is currently flavour of the month. Read More

The ins and outs of 12 months at Maldaba

It's been a little over a year since I joined Maldaba as a developer. My previous employer was a sizeable publishing house with a large web presence. My tasks are much the same here but while Maldaba has some very large clients, the company itself is rather small. The transition from a large company to a smaller one presented me with some challenges but also with a more efficient and more enjoyable work environment. Read More