
A free-to-use friendly and accessible approach to agricultural nutrition-based decision-making.

Woman farming

I really valued the approach Maldaba takes in software development. They were friendly, respectful and quickly understood what we wanted to achieve. Within the contractual framework, they were very flexible in their approach to accommodate changes and respond to issues as they arose. The team were invested in our project and felt committed to making sure that the software worked well and met the needs of end users. They ensured that they delivered on what was promised perfectly, the end product is beautiful!

Elaine Ferguson, Associate Professor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Maldaba were approached by researchers at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, who knew of our work in the field of Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA).

The researchers wanted to take the outputs from another program they’d developed, as well as data from external sources, and synthesise these with local knowledge about a particular region in order to provide appropriate population food-based nutrition recommendations. The research team knew that Maldaba understood MCDA, and approaching complex decision-making. They also appreciated our innovative interfaces that made such technology very easy to use, and belied its complexity.

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What we did

  • Co-production
  • Positioning
  • Branding
  • Identity
  • Visual Design
  • User Experience Design
  • Front-End Development
  • Web Development
  • Workflow Design
  • Responsive Design
  • Technical Architecture
  • Identity Management
  • API Design

The Challenge for Agrifood

We worked closely with the research team, and key stakeholders, to develop a robust system that lets country practitioners input their requirements, prioritise their needs, and view graphical outputs for the results. Because a lot of the process is cyclical (see the results, tweak the inputs), the system also provides tools for real-time amendments to the inputs, in order to allow user to monitor the effect on outputs as quickly as possible. As circumstances change over time, so the Agrifood system lets users return and update the data, renewing their outputs.

I really valued the approach Maldaba takes in software development. They were friendly, respectful and quickly understood what we wanted to achieve. Within the contractual framework, they were very flexible in their approach to accommodate changes and respond to issues as they arose. The team were invested in our project and felt committed to making sure that the software worked well and met the needs of end users. They ensured that they delivered on what was promised perfectly, the end product is beautiful!

Elaine Ferguson, Associate Professor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Agrifood responsive screenshots

Working with Lorenzo, Mark and their team was an absolute pleasure. They are great communicators and it was easy to explain our needs and identify the way forward from the beginning. I felt like we were working together as part of one group committed to developing our tool as opposed to being client/service provider. I was impressed by their commitment to tracking and logging all details and decisions of the project, it made it easy not only to understand the progress of the work but identify, understand and resolve issues together. We were developing something quite new so needed to solve a lot of design issues as we tried to understand what it was that we really wanted from the tool and be incredibly flexible as the project progressed. This meant a lot of long conversations, sharing ideas, trying things out. It wasn’t always easy but the Maldaba team were ever patient, enthusiastic and committed to doing things well. We really can’t thank them enough for this and hope that we will be working together again soon.

Frances Knight, PhD Student, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine


We also conducted a full branding exercise. As part of the identity work, we ensure that the logo, typography and colours were accessible, inline with WCA 2.1 standards.

Agrifood screenshots

This project was the type of challenge Maldaba thrive on, and it was a real privilege to work with such knowledgeable and motivated academics.

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Related Case Study – eNgage

A digital platform co-designed with Coventry University’s Digital Health team to promote and report on research projects.

Ready to collaborate with us and solve your problems with software that delivers long-term impact?

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Who are we and what do we do?

We are a team of highly experienced developers, designers, and project managers with expertise in web development, app development, data management, digital transformation, and integration with third-party systems.

We work closely with academic and research body operations leaders to develop innovative and user-friendly software solutions designed to solve complex problems, make processes more efficient, demonstrate the impact of research and, ultimately, deliver long-term positive change.

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